One of the most frequent questions that I receive is what my go-to lens is. I LOVE this question because it makes me think back to the very first lens that I purchased. I still remember walking into our local camera store and was overwhelmed by all the options.
My very first lens purchase was a beautiful Nikon 50 mm f1.8 lens. This lens has been my baby and is my go-to recommendation for new photographers. Not only is this lens pretty affordable, but I can create so much magic with this lens that I am excited to share below!
- Creamy photographs.
This lens captures everything perfectly! It is able to focus quickly even with the smallest aperture. The 50mm gives a beautiful blur and creamy look to my photographs while also keeping my subjects sharp… this is the recipe for greatness!
2. My favorite lens!
This is my favorite and go-to lens! I could shoot most of a wedding on this lens if I had to. All you have to do is move to get the shot, but everything would be perfect after that. This also helps in forcing you to move around and get creative with your angles rather than standing in one place for every shot.
3. Spacing
The 50 mm gives space between my clients and myself while also making it easy for me to still communicate and interact with them. That is what I love most about this lens. I can easily direct my clients yet be far enough away to give them that space to connect with one another.
I hope this helps you pick your first or next lens! This is one of the best investments, especially when starting out in a business since it has great quality but is also cheap. If you have any more questions for me I would love to hear them in the comments! Thank you!